
How Many Animals Are On The Extinct List

The world has been blest with some of the most beautiful, unique and rare species of birds, mammals and insects. It is our duty to provide the advisable care for the welfare of these animals. Unfortunately, many animals no longer exist today. Peculiarly, in the terminal 100 years, we can detect lot of extinct animals. In that location are many reasons for this, and merely i reason cannot be ascribed to it. Animals have get extinct as result of natural causes such every bit climate change and human activities such as habitat destruction; increased rates of pollution, invasion of alien species and over hunting or fishing. Here, we have compiled tiptop 25 list of extinct animals in the globe. So, let's look at one good day one extinct animals' data.

Listing of Extinct Mammals in the World:

Here is the list of top ten beautiful extinct mammals with names and images.

ane. Woolly Mammoth:

Extinct animals Woolly Mammoth

This cute Woolly Mammoth existed during the Pleistocene period and added in the list of extinct species in the early Holocene period. These prehistoric mammals were similar in size to the modern Asian elephant. They lived mostly on sedge and grass and had a hirsuite torso to protect them from the cold during the Water ice Age.

Cause of Extinction: Climatic change, over-hunting and loss of habitat.

two. Curt-faced Deport:

Extinct species Short-faced Bear

The Brusque-faced Bears (Arctodus spp.) are another examples of extinct animals. These are dissimilar type of bears that existed during the Pleistocene menses in North America until eleven,000 years ago. These bears which belonged to the subfamily of Tremarctinae lived in multitudes in the California region. The Short-faced bear had a brusk snout and a short nasal region and weighed about 900 kg. They could be found from Alaska to Mexico in Northward America.

Cause of Extinction: Climate change and competition with newer species like the grizzly behave.

[ Read: Listing of Endangered Animals In India ]

3. Cave Deport:

Extinct species of animals Cave Bear

The Cavern Comport (Ursus spelaeus) belonged to the species of carry which existed during the Pleistocene period in Europe and Asia. They became extinct during the Last Glacial Maximum. It is believed that these bears spent a lot of time in caves, unlike the modern brown bear. They were stout in structure, and a male bear weighed between 350 to 600 kg while the female bear weighed around 225 to 250 kg.

Cause of Extinction: Depletion of food and loss of habitat.

4. Aurochs:

Aurochs in top 10 extinct animals

The Aurochs (Bos primigenius) was a blazon of wild cattle which was too known as urus or ure. These bovine species inhabited Asia, Europe and North America where they were domesticated. They were the largest herbivores to be in Europe with their massive horns and body weight of 1500 kg. The terminal Auroch died in Jaktorow, Poland in 1627.

Crusade of Extinction: Unrestricted hunting, loss of habitat and cattle affliction.

5. Bluebuck:

Examples of extinct species Bluebuck.

The Bluebuck (Hippotragus leucophaeus) is a species of antelope which became extinct around 1800. These antelopes were grazers who had a compatible bluish-gray coat along with a pale white belly and grew to a height of ten feet. They were endemic to South Africa where they were mostly confined to the coastal areas and grasslands.

Cause of Extinction: Climate change, loss of habitat and unrestricted hunting.

6. Irish gaelic Elk:

Irish Elk in some extinct animals.

The Irish Elk (Megaloceros giganteus) is a species of deer which was also called the giant deer or Irish gaelic giant deer. It lived during the Pleistocene period beyond grasslands in Eurasia from Ireland to Siberia to China. These elks had distinctive antlers which were the largest known amongst cervid and stood about 6.9 ft.

Cause of Extinction: Over hunting and lack of food.

7. Cave Panthera leo:

Examples of extinct animals Cave Lion.

The Eurasian Cavern Lion (Panthera spelaea) was a type of pantherine which had evolved during the 3rd Cromerian interglacial stage in Europe. They were very dissimilar from the modernistic lions today and became extinct xiii,000 years ago. These lions did not take a mane and were of a like size of a modern king of beasts. The lions were distributed from Europe to Alaska.

Cause of Extinction: Increased hunting and contest with other new predators like wolves.

8. Giant Tapir:

Extinct animals Giant Tapir

The Giant Tapir (Tapirus augustus) was a tapir which lived in southern China, Vietnam and Java. They were chosen giant considering they were bigger than modern tapirs, frequently weighing up to 500 and stood 3 ft tall. They appeared during the Early on Pleistocene period and lived until the early on Holocene menstruation.

Crusade of Extinction: Climate change and devastation of habitat.

nine. Javan Tiger:

Extinct Javan tigers

The Javan Tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) was a species of the tiger which lived until the mid-1970s in Java, an Indonesian island. These Tigers had a smaller sized body with thin and long stripes all over their body. The male Javan Tiger weighed betwixt 100 to 141 kg while the females, which were smaller than the males, weighed effectually 75 to 115 kg. The last of the Javan Tiger was sighted in 1976.

Crusade of Extinction: Unrestricted hunting and loss and destruction of habitat.

10. Caspian Tiger:

Extinct Caspian tiger species

The Caspian Tigers are another extinct tigers which were endemic to Central Asia and the Center East. These cats were considered ane of the largest cats to take existed. They lived in wetlands near lake edges, river basins and seashores. These large cats became extinct due to over hunting and loss of habitat over cropland. Information technology became officially extinct in 2003 after a declaration made past the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Cause of Extinction: Over hunting and loss of habitat.

List of Extinct Birds In the World:

Let's find the top 5 extinct bird species with names and images.

11. Mascarene Parrot:

Top 10 extinct birds Mascarene Parrot

The Mascarene Parrot (Mascarinus mascarin) is a type of medium-sized parrot which was native to the Mascarene Islands of Reunion in the western Indian Ocean. These extinct species of parrots used to take a massive cherry bill, crimson feet and a tail with feathers which were long and rounded.

Cause of Extinction: Unclear.

12. Dodo:

Extinct animals dodo

The Dodo was a beautiful flightless bird which lived in Mauritius Isle on the Indian Sea. These birds lived on the coastal areas of Mauritius until Dutch settlers first discovered them in 1598 and the final dodo was killed in 1662. These birds became extinct inside less than a century of its discovery due to widespread hunting and loss of habitat and were officially declared extinct in 1668.

Crusade of Extinction: Over hunting and loss of habitat.

13. Nifty Auk:

Great Auk in top 10 extinct birds

The Great Auk (Pinguinus impennis) is a blazon of flightless alcid which went into extinction in the mid-19th century. These birds preferred to stay on isolated islands close to the bounding main for plenty of food nearby. They could be found in Kingdom of spain, Greenland, Canada, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Ireland, Norway and Dandy Britain. These jumbo sized birds were 30 to 33 inches tall and weighed around five kg.

Causes: Rampant hunting and attack from other predators similar polar bears.

fourteen. Newton's Parakeet:

Extinct bird species Newton's Parakeet

It is a species of parrot which was native to the Mascarene island of Rodrigues on the Indian Ocean. Too, known every bit Rodrigues ring-necked parakeet, these parrots had a plumage whose colour varied from slate blue to grayness while their beaks were red.

Crusade of Extinction: Rampant hunting and deforestation.

fifteen. Red Track:

The Red Track is a type of flightless rail which was endemic to the Mascarene island of Mauritius. These extinct birds had a hair like plumage which was reddish with dark legs forth with a long, curved neb. These curious birds usually fed on invertebrates and snails and were attracted to the colour red. They became extinct effectually 1700.

Crusade of Extinction: Over hunting, contest from predators similar cats and pigs.

List of Extinct Fishes and Insects:

Here is the list of top 5 extinct fishes and insects with names and images.

sixteen. Caribbean Monk Seal:

This beautiful Caribbean monk seal is native to the Caribbean, belongs to the family Phocidae and is characterized by a grey coat and a white belly. They have a small head with large black eyes. These seals are active swimmer who feeds on lobster, fish squid and octopus.

Causes: Over hunting, destruction of habitat, disease, marine debris, set on from predators similar tiger sharks and entanglement in fishing nets.

17. Houting:

Extinct fish Houting

The Houting (Coregonus oxyrinchus) is a European species of whitefish which belongs to the family Salmonidae. It is endemic to the estuaries and the rivers which drain into the North Sea and could be establish in France, Belgium, holland, Frg and England. These extinct fish preferred to live in brackish and freshwater.

Cause of Extinction: Loss and destruction of habitat.

xviii. Gray Whale:

The Grayness Whale (Eschrichtius robustus) is a baleen whale which is too known as the greyness whale or devil fish. These humongous whales can grow between eleven to 14 meters, weigh about 36 tons and can alive
between 55 to 70 years. They usually migrate between feeding and breeding grounds yearly and feed on a nutrition of benthic crustaceans. These are extinct and endangered animals which are gone extinct from Northward Atlantic oceans and endangered in Western North Pacific oceans.

Cause of Extinction: Over hunting.

nineteen. Nannophrys Guentheri:

Nannophrys guentheri (Gunther'southward streamlined frog) is a species of frog which belonged to the family Dicroglossidae. These frogs were native to Sri Lanka and were pocket-sized sized. A male frog grew 28.5 mm in length and was characterised by a wide caput, rounded snout along with peel which had coarse, dense warts.

Cause of Extinction: Loss of habitat.

20. Madeiran Big White:

The Madeiran Large White (Pieris brassicae wollastoni) is a type of butterfly which is also the subspecies of the white large. These beautiful extinct creatures are native to Madeira in Portugal. They are characterised by pure white wings forth with a wide black tip on the apexes of the forewings. They thrive subtropical forests and shrublands which accept high humidity and relatively stable temperatures.

Cause of Extinction: Virus infection.

[Read: List of Endangered Plants in The World ]

Listing of Recently Extinct Animals In the Globe:

Hither is the listing of 5 recently extinct animals with names and images.

21. Eastern Cougar:

Recently extinct animals Eastern Cougar

The best instance for recently extinct animals is Eastern Cougar (Puma concolor cougar). Information technology was a type of cougar which was endemic to northeastern North America. They were besides known equally the eastern puma. These mammals had an average lifespan of 12 years and typically had a tan glaze all over their torso.

Causes: Over hunting, loss and devastation of habitat.

22. Vietnamese Javan Rhinoceros:

Vietnamese Javan Rhinoceros in recently extinct animals

Another case for recently extinct animals is Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus). It belongs to the Rhinocerotidae family and is very similar to the Indian rhinoceros. The horn of the Javan rhinoceros is much smaller compared to other rhino species, and it is only the male person who has a little horn. They roamed around throughout Southeast Asia including Vietnam, but they became extinct due to rampant poaching and game prize. They became extinct in Vietnam in 2011, and only very few are surviving in Java, Republic of indonesia.

Causes: Over hunting, use of landmines and loss of habitat.

23. Baiji:

The Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) or the Chinese River Dolphin is a species of dolphin which is revered by the local fishermen and boatmen in China every bit the goddess of protection. These critically endangered dolphins utilise bio-sonar to navigate as they do not have good eyesight and can exist found in the Yangtze River in Mainland china. A stake blue-gray coloured torso characterises them along with a white breast and tummy. Their diet consists of other fish.

Causes: Loss of habitat, over-fishing, destruction of habitat by industrialization, pollution, and collision with boats and ships.

24. Rusty Grebe:

Recently extinct bird Rusty Grebe

The Rusty Grebe (Tachybaptus rufolavatus) was a bird which was endemic to Lake Alaotraand the surrounding lakes in Madagascar. These extinct birds could not fly long distances as they had minor wings. They grew to a length of 9.8 inches. These birds extinction confirmed officially in 2010.

Causes: Destruction of habitat and attacks from predators such as blotched snakehead.

25. Bramble Cay Melomys:

The Bramble Cay Melomys (Melomys rubicola) was a species of rodent which belonged to the family unit Muridae. These mosaic-tailed rats that are endemic to Brier Cay, a pocket-sized vegetable coral cay in Australia had a ruddy-brown fur with a paler underbelly. They had small ears and a long tail. This species was the outset mammal that has gone extinct because of the impacts of anthropogenic climatic change.

Causes: Anthropogenic climate change.

[ Read: List of Endangered Animals in The World ]

With the changes in the unabridged ecosystem, the impact of losing these beautiful and rare animals is only too apparent. While there are many reasons to lose such animals, information technology remains the example that we have lost virtually species of animals generally considering of man interference and interaction.

Images: Shutterstock and Pinterest


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